IBM Blockchain Pulse

Using technology to empower startups and have a global impact



Have you ever met someone who truly loved their job so much that you found yourself grinning ear-to-ear as you listened to them explain how they spend their days? Well, Matt Hooper sure has! His guest today, Bill Stark, is the President of IBM Business Partner Cognition Foundry. The passion with which Bill describes his job in today’s episode will leave you inspired and thinking about the many opportunities emerging technologies are bringing about for startups and society. At Cognition Foundry, Bill and team help clients deliver innovation that matters to the world. They understand that early days can be frustrating for founders and that it’s easy to get stuck and not be able to get your idea off the ground. That’s why they help startups grow their idea, scale it up, and make it become sustainable and everlasting. It’s powerful and exciting work.   In this episode, Bill talks about the work that goes on at Cognition Foundry every day, how technology (and more specifically, blockchain technology) can help star