Nail The Sale

COVID-19 & How To Adapt As A Small Business - Interview With CEO of Livy0's - Episode 159



Staying true to your faith and listening to that direction takes you on the path to amazing success.  But in this crazy time of COVID-19 don't forget where you came from and what got you here. Listen in as Nancy interviews CEO and owner Lennise Germany of Livy O's Catering.  Lennise shares how to stay focused by refocusing daily on the needs of those you serve.  When every event you had canceled, how do you stay afloat?!  Create a strategy around your strengths and fill the needs of your community.  These are the kind of times that create an entirely new vertical for you and your business.  Don't focus on what you don't have or what you can't do!  Focus on what you do have and what you CAN do!