Liquid Church

Liquid Church’s Crisis Relief Plan For New York and New Jersey During COVID-19



I know the coronavirus pandemic has us all a bit on edge. Here in the New York and New Jersey area, the worst point of the virus may hit right around Easter weekend. That's why today, I want to talk to you about the steps we're taking and the plans we're making to prepare our church to serve people in need around our region. HOPE is on the way! Did you know the Bible actually gives guidance about disaster planning in a time of national crisis? In Genesis 41, we find the very first account of a global disaster and emergency planning in human history! See, in this story, Joseph rose from being sold into slavery by his brothers, to becoming the second most powerful leader in Egypt. How did this happen, you ask? Pharaoh had a dream that needed interpreting, but none of his counselors could interpret it. Pharaoh's cup-bearer remembered Joseph from his time with him in prison and called on Joseph to interpret the dream. Joseph warned that the Pharaoh's dream meant the land would be prosperous for 7 years, but that