Liquid Church

Margin pt 7 - Testing God



Would you dare to test God with your money? In Malachi 3, God issues an incredible challenge: inviting us to "test Him" in this most personal area of our lives and see if He won't pour out so much blessing that we'll lack the room to contain it! There are all sorts of reasons for declining this financial challenge ("I can't afford to... I have debt... I don't trust the church..."). But then again: What if? What if... you offered God your financial firstfruits (instead of leftovers)? What if... you prioritized God's Kingdom (instead of your own)? What if... you shared your M&Ms (instead of eating them all yourself)? What might God do? If you honored Him first in your finances, could He really be trusted to lead you into a life of money margin? Listen in as Pastor Tim describes this incredible challenge and dares to ask "What if?"