Liquid Church

Margin pt 1 - Stretched & Strapped



Many of us live life in overdrive. Pedal to the metal, foot on the accelerator, Mach 5, take it to the limit, stretched to the outer edge in all areas of life. 80-hour workweeks, endless bills, emails, To-Do lists, activities, sports, classes, and commitments. Our time, our money, our relationships... all pushed to the breaking point. With no margin for error. Life in overdrive can be exhilarating... at least for awhile. Because when we live without margin-- or breathing room between our LOAD (what we take on) and our LIMITS (what we can sanely handle)-- bad things happen. To our relationships. To our finances. More importantly: to our souls. Are you pushed to the breaking point? Stressed out? Listen in as Pastor Tim discusses God's invitation to slow down, stop the insanity, and enter into the divine rhythms of rest, renewal, and life-giving margin.