Liquid Church

Outflow pt 1 - It's Not About You



Most folks only WISH their lives could brim with joy, hope, and love each day. Jesus' promise of "life to the full" (John 10:10) seems overblown at times... wishful thinking when we're going through a spiritual dry spell. Yet Scripture says God designed us to "overflow" with His Spirit-- to gush "rivers of living water" that actually spill over into the lives around us. Does your spiritual life gush? Or does it suck? How do we experience the kind of joy and love God has in mind? It starts with a counterintuitive truth-- that it's not about you. It's about God first. And others second. God fills you up with His love... so it can flow out of you into the lives of strangers, friends, your community and world. Listen in as Pastor Tim shares the vision for "Outflow"-- our summer series designed to change our lives and our world.