Liquid Church

Rediscovering the Nativity pt 3: What Wise Men Still Know



Gifts can say a lot about how well we know the recipient. After all, it’s no easy task to find the perfect gift for an acquaintance you just met or distant relatives you hardly ever see. But when you truly understand who someone is, you can offer a meaningful gift they’ll actually appreciate. So, how well did the wise men really know Jesus? They traveled quite a distance to give him their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. But were their presents the equivalent of a modern day gift card? Or were they more significant? As Christmas draws near, what kinds of gifts does Jesus value from us? Listen in as Pastor Tim explores the surprising meaning behind the gold, frankincense, and myrrh and find out what the Magi knew that first Christmas that wise men still know today. Part 3 of “Rediscovering the Nativity.”