Liquid Church

Liquid HD - The Dream Begins



Vi•sion (noun) - the ability to see something that doesn't currently exist; a dream; the act or power of anticipating what will come into being; an inspired future reality. Vision is a powerful thing. Especially for a church. Vision is a small word with a big meaning, answering questions like... "Why does our church exist? What's our mission? What makes us unique? What makes our church different? Not better, but different?" This Fall, Liquid announced its plans to LAUNCH-OUT as an independent, fully autonomous, non-denominational church in the new year. And we have a God-inspired Vision for 2007-- to become a "high-definition" church that brings God into crystal-clear focus for those who are far from Him. Listen in as Pastor Tim describes our Vision for "Liquid HD"-- becoming the kind of high-definition church only God can get credit for.