Liquid Church

I Want to Know What Love Is



95% of all popular songs are about a 4-letter word: L-O-V-E. So you’d think there’d be more clarity on the subject! Single folks wonder what to look for in a spouse and if there is such a thing as “true love.” Married couples wonder how to keep love alive in a long-term commitment. And folks who’ve experienced relational heartache wonder if it’s worth ever opening their hearts to love again. What’s the nature of true love? What makes for a relationship that goes the distance? Listen in as Pastor Tim explores the R&B of love— in the story of Ruth and Boaz. Foreigner issues a challenge in their bighair anthem “I Want to Know What Love Is”-- and God has answered with a clear design for relational harmony in His Word. Part 5 of "Finding Faith in Rock-&-Roll" message series.