Liquid Church

Finding Faith in Rock: I Can't Get No Satisfaction



What's the secret of satisfaction? That's the profound question raised by the Rolling Stones in their 1965 classic "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction." They spent the next 40 years pursuing fulfillment in all the usual rock star ways-- acquiring riches, fame, and global commercial success along the way. Yet, you still get the sense Mick Jagger means it when he sings "But I try... and I try... and I try... and I try... but I can't get No! Satisfaction!" What's the meaning of life? What's the source of lasting satisfaction? The author of Ecclesiastes took a run at this age-old question... and what he discovered might surprise you. In his lifetime, King Solomon possessed power, intellect, unprecedented affluence and wealth, and garnered worldwide fame and riches that modern rock stars can only dream about. Yet, in the end, he considered it all "meaningless... a chasing after the wind" (Ecc. 2:11). What's the point of life on earth? What gives meaning to our day-to-day lives? Listen in as Pastor Tim explores the