Liquid Church

Porn pt 3: A Private Eyeful - message 10/16/05



True story: Construction worker Patrick Lawler came home one day complaining of a toothache. Six days later-- when ice cream failed to relieve the throbbing pain-- an X-ray revealed the true source of his discomfort: a 4-inch nail had embedded in the roof of his mouth when a nailgun misfired at work earlier that week. Doctors were astonished Patrick had been functioning for almost a week with the wound-- for the nail was lodged only inches from his eye and brain. Unfortunately, many people treat the presence of porn or sexual sin in their lives in much the same way-- giving casual treatment to what is actually a mortal wound. The story of David and Bathsheba offers a sobering lesson about tolerating private lust...leading to a probing question: What areas of sensual indulgence in your life are you tempted to minimize?