Brett Singer

Brett Singer Radio - Brett From The Bunker - Comedian Rebecca Kaplan



What's your preferred source of news? I go with the New York Times, because they're the paper of record (it's a thing, look it up) and I'm a subscriber, althoug now you can get it for free even you're not (THANKS A LOT NEW YORK TIMES but seriously thank you because people need news but what the hell am I paying for anyway?). But today I re-discovered the New York Post. I'm not saying it's the best source of news but it may be the most interesting, or at least the most ZOMFG WHAT IS THAT ARTICLE JESUS. Stuff like "Influencer who licked toilet seat wants to cough on Dr. Phil." That's a real headline! I love it, I hate it, I love it. Today's guest is the very funny Rebecca Kaplan.