Unbreakable Podcast With Thom Shea

167. Three Critical Choices during Chaos



Not everyone has experience to draw upon during chaotic times.  Few people have lead others through times that are truly difficult both emotionally and physically.  Yet, we all now find ourselves faced with choices and chaos. I would like to share with you the 3 critical choices you will have to make during these chaotic times with the COVID19 hysteria, travel restrictions, and the simple not knowing what will come next.  My personal experiences in chaos and leading during chaos are drawn for a life in the SEAL teams in war and the life as a SEAL trying to be a father and a husband during those difficult times.    Throughout the history of mankind, war has been the most chaotic experiences.  Life threatening experiences tend to be chaotic.  Yet, in all the darkness of war and chaos, the existential threat is actually a great teacher of what to do and what to not do.  War is the greatest teacher and always will be.   The first thing existential threats teach and therefore your first choice you have to make is