Level Up Your Course Podcast With Janelle Allen: Create Online Courses That Change Lives

LUYC 089: Mastering Email for a Better Customer Experience with Val Geisler



Hey, everyone! I’m joined today by Val Geisler, an email marketing conversion copywriter. Val, who has been called an “email savant”, got started in marketing but found her real passion in email-related projects. Her exclusive online course, the Email Masters Incubator, is for copywriters who are looking to leverage email marketing for better customer experiences and retention. She teaches her students how to strategically utilize different platforms, allowing them to work more efficiently with their clients. Val and I discuss her course modules, the challenges she faced when creating the program, and her tips to overcome the “stuck zone”. We need to return to a human experience where people feel seen and heard; the best way to do that is email. Episode Quotes "As a business owner, how you treat people is vital." "The best thing you can do as a business owner is being willing to learn from areas outside of your typical bubble." “Listening is one of the most important things in any customer