Level Up Your Course Podcast With Janelle Allen: Create Online Courses That Change Lives

LUYC 085: Why You Need to Do Customer Discovery with Katelyn Bourgoin



Hello everybody! Joining me today is Katelyn Bourgoin – growth strategist and consultant. She is here to share her journey and the story behind her Customer Discovery Training course. Customer discovery is figuring out if people want what you're building before building it. Her course helps content creators know their ideal customers and what to build to accelerate their growth. Enjoy! If you try to market to everyone, you're going to end up marketing to no one. Episode Quotes "Marketing is one way of thinking about growth but there are other channels that can help with growth." "People don't believe advertising anymore, they are overwhelmed by content marketing." "Being visible is important, but the proof is going to be in the quality of your product." "At the end of the day the content (free or paid) needs to be valuable, and that goes back to knowing your audience." "The idea of customer development is after launching your thing you want to make it better with t