Level Up Your Course Podcast With Janelle Allen: Create Online Courses That Change Lives

ZCS030: Susan Stripling on Why You Need to Prove Your Product's Value



Welcome to another episode of The Zen Courses Show! Today’s guest is Susan Stripling, award-winning wedding photographer and co-founder of The Wedding School, an online business school for wedding photographers. This episode is especially valuable for anyone who is curious about workshops, CreativeLive and how to build an online school—not just a course. Enjoy! In This Episode, You'll Learn: • Susan's story: how she became a photographer on a whim • How Susan transitioned from live workshops to online courses (PLUS, what she was super afraid of) • Why Susan chose CreativeLive to get her start with online courses (and why she eventually went out on her own) • Just-in-Time Learning: what it is and why it works for The Wedding School • How knowing your learner’s journey affects your course content • How Susan marketed and launched The Wedding School, from soft launch to live event • Why you should launch to your loyal fans first • Why you shouldn’t ask your customers how much they’ll pay for your online course •