Level Up Your Course Podcast With Janelle Allen: Create Online Courses That Change Lives

ZCS020: How to Price Your Online Course with Jody Padar, CPA



My guest today is Jody Padar from NewVision CPA Group. She’s here to talk about pricing, because it’s a hot button topic for a lot of people. If you sell online courses, you have a business. In this episode, we discuss how important pricing is for your business, how to price based on your costs, and how to use value-based pricing to take it to the next level. And we promise not to get too geeky. Enjoy! In This Episode, You'll Learn:• Why she’s known as The Radical CPA• How pricing can help you have a more profitable AND less-stressful business.• The key numbers every business owner should know about their business…and how to calculate them• Four steps to figuring out your pricing, based on cost• What the heck a gross margin is! (Hint: it’s tied to your profits.)• Two ways to build profit into your course pricing.• How to figure out how many sales you need to make to recoup your costs• Why trading time for money is limiting you. (And what to do instead.)• Why flat-rate pricing means you could charge more.• Wha