Level Up Your Course Podcast With Janelle Allen: Create Online Courses That Change Lives

ZCS018: Brennan Dunn - The Story, Mistakes and Learning Behind His Signature Course



My guest today is Brennan Dunn from doubleyourfreelancing.com. Brennan teaches freelancers how to get more clients, grow their business and develop systems. His two signature courses are Double Your Freelancing Rate and Double You Freelancing Clients. Today, we’ll dive in to his story and why he created his online courses. Enjoy! In This Episode, You'll Learn:• His scariest moment of entrepreneurship• Star Wars vs Star Trek: where Brennan stands• How his childhood influenced his decision to become an entrepreneur• How listening to people’s questions influenced every product he’s ever made• Why courses are more transformative than ebooks• Why he converted his first digital product into a course (and what he added to make it actionable)• His struggle with doubt and how he overcame it• The worst thing you can do when you create your online course• Mistakes he made with his first launch of Double Your Freelancing Clients wasn’t successful—and how he fixed them• Why content and access are not enough• Strategies fo