Level Up Your Course Podcast With Janelle Allen: Create Online Courses That Change Lives

ZCS011: Sarah Selecky on Teaching Writing and Transformation



Today’s guest is Sarah Selecky, an author and entrepreneur. In this episode, Sarah gives us a peek insider her course, Story is a State of Mind. Plus, she shares strategies for teaching a creative process. If you want to create a course focused on creativity, process and transformation this episode is for you. In This Episode, You'll Learn: What the heck sprezzatura means! Sarah’s first business (hint: Nancy Drew) The adjustments Sarah made to her in-person course to teach it online How she uses themes and colors to organize her course How she uses linear thinking and creative loops to encourage progress How she pushed through the frustration of not knowing anything about technology (or how to use her camera!) to create her first course. How to guide your students through their struggle and fear (and why struggle is good) How she got prize winning author Margaret Atwood to be a guest teacher in her course Her tips on writing for instruction and engagement The secret to balancing the need for creative space w