Leadership Legacy

LL30: Dr. Carol M. Archer



Dr. Carol Archer is the originator of the Culture Bump theory and methodology. She's an international trainer and coach, based in Houston, TX. She first started working with the Culture Bump theory in October of 1978 and has since trained people in various fields, such as international business, religion, education, and medicine to use the approach in their work and lives. With a Doctorate in Education, she spent over 30 years as a teacher of cross-cultural communication and ESL with the University of Houston’s Language & Culture Center and as a professor of ESL strategies and second language acquisition theories at the University of St. Thomas. She is the author of Living with Strangers in the U.S.A: Communicating Beyond Culture published in 1990 and the multimedia training courses the Toolkit for Culture and Communication in 2004. In addition to teaching and research, she has worked with companies like AT&T, Pecten/Shell Oil, Exxon, and the World Trade Association to train over 1,000 businessmen