Date With Kate

From Trauma to Triumph



We are often faced with different traumas in our lives, some emotional, some physical, some more challenging then others. My guest today has experienced both. Clare Boyd fell 6m off a balcony in Bali years ago when holidaying with her girlfriends & smashed her face into a rock on the landing. Her prognosis was not good. She says “I looked like a monster, I was completely unrecognizable”. Today she shares with us her story of trauma to triumph, what it took to heal her face & body after the accident and how this life experience has shaped who she is today. Clare is a yoga teacher, food blogger and wellness enthusiast who is now helping people move through their own traumas and empowering them into a state of balance through her amazing Yoga sessions & sharing her love of wholesome food. Clare shares from a very deep and vulnerable place everything she did to recover and (miraculously) heal her mind, body and spirit.