Sermons By Ed

Ecclesiastes: Life is Empty without God



Study Notes Ed Underwood Ecclesiastes Life Is Empty without God Fear God and keep his commandments, because this is the whole duty of man. (Ecclesiastes 12:13) The five Books of Poetry bridge the past of the seventeen Books of History with the future of the seventeen Books of Prophecy. One-third of the Hebrew Bible was written in poetry. The five Poetical Books deal with the present experience of the authors in ways that speak to the experiential present of believers of all time. Though they come from an ancient culture they are timeless in their application. They do not advance the timeline of the nation Israel. The poetry erupts from the hearts of God’s people going through some of the eras and experiences documented in the Books of History. Ecclesiastes records an intense quest for meaning, purpose and satisfaction in life. I believe Solomon wrote the book during the latter years of his reign (971-931 B.C.), after he turned back to God following years of inattention and even rebellion. The lesso