Thrive Forever Fit With Jay Nixon

Episode 79: Deliberate Acts of Awesomeness



Deliberate Acts of Awesomeness In this episode, I talk about the acts of awesomeness I have witnessed since the beginning of these uncertain times. Power Takeaways From This Episode: 1. We need positivity and good news now more than ever. 2. This pandemic is shining a light on some fantastic humans. 3. We have the opportunity to grow, evolve, and be better because of this uncertainty. 4. Tough times either bring out the best or the worst in people. They actually bring awareness to what and who you truly are in this world. 5. Hugs and hand pounds to all the healthcare works that are working day and night to help those in need. You are real superheroes, and we appreciate you more than you will ever know. 6. Could you walk away from 2 Million dollars a month to help people? 7. A $5000 gift card 8. The kindness and thoughtfulness of my clients have been overwhelming. PLEASE keep spreading positivity and love. Reminder: If you get overwhelmed today, remind yourself that "