Thrive Forever Fit With Jay Nixon

Episode 76: You Get What You Tolerate



You Get What You Tolerate     In this episode, I discuss how your standards dictate your future.    Power Takeaways From This Episode:    1. Are your standards in congruence with the life you desire to live?  2. You will only get out of life what you are willing to tolerate.  3. Thought, Words, and Actions must be in alignment for you to succeed.  4. My daily standard for myself: “Today I will leave every person, place, and thing better than how I found it. I will lead with love and light in all of my encounters. I will shine the brightest in the darkest hours, and I will be the rock for those who seek a better way. I will hold place and space for those in need of help. Today I will be the change I seek in the world.”   5. This might be to the most valuable message of the whole podcast: ~ write this down ~ “When setting expectations, no matter what has been said or written, if substandard performance is accepted and no one is held accountable ~ if ther