Thrive Forever Fit With Jay Nixon

Episode 47: The Cost of Broken Promises



The Cost of Broken Promises   The cost of breaking promises to ourselves is unquantifiable.  You eventually get to a place where you no longer believe the words that come out of your mouth.  You eventually get to a place where you don't even trust yourself anymore.  And that is a dangerous place to be in life.  Broken promises lead to:  *Lack of self-worth *No self-belief *Low or non-existent self-esteem  *Zero trust in yourself  If you're in this place, it's not too late to make a shift.  It's not too late to rebuild your self-esteem.  All you have to do is follow the steps we chat about in this podcast episode.  Thanks for listening to the Thrive Forever Fit Show! My NEW book:   The Purpose of Pain: How to Turn Tragedy into Triumph, Because Life’s Not Supposed to Suck!