Thrive Forever Fit With Jay Nixon

Episode 46: The EIGHT Person Cleanse



The EIGHT Person Cleanse  Removing these eight people from your life NOW is essential to your health and happiness.  **Disclaimer: this will include some of your family and friends - sorry**    8 People That Gotta Go: 1. Those who spread negativity. Here’s the bottom line and something I remind myself all the time. If someone is spreading negativity about others, eventually they will spread it about me. Negative people are only loyal to negativity. Eventually, you will find yourself in their crosshairs.  2. Those you criticize you. Get rid of these jokers immediately. Only surround yourself with people that support and lift you higher.   3. Those who waste your time. TIME is your most valuable resource, and the one thing you can make more of in your life. Time vampires must be let go NOW.  4. Those who are jealous. Jealously is a poison that will kill any relationship. The most dangerous person you can be around is someone that views your success as their failure. &nb