Thrive Forever Fit With Jay Nixon

Episode 41: You've Been Lied To Again!



You've Been Lied To Again! Whoever said showing up is half the battle is full of shit.  The team that shows up but doesn’t perform still gets beat.  If you truly deserve all the things you’re daydreaming about you better stop wandering through life haphazardly.  You better get serious about your success and your efforts.  "You Can't Expect Extraordinary Results From Average Effort" Start living passionately and purposefully.  You deserve the best, but you’re gonna have to give your best to get it.  This will all lead me to discuss STANDARDS and how they dictate your success in life.  Your standards are your benchmarks for performance in all areas of your life. High standards equal high rates of return. Low standards equal a minimal existence and the acceptance of the average.  Today we will discuss and by discuss I mean I'm going to rant about WHY you should never lower your standards if you seak an amazing life.  Truth: Most people lower their standards