Thrive Forever Fit With Jay Nixon

Episode 31: You And David Goggins Have This In Common



You And David Goggins Have This In Common  "YOU'VE GOT EVERYTHING IT TAKES... BUT ARE YOU WILLING TO DO EVERYTHING IT TAKES?" That is such a simple yet powerful thought.  It's 100% true.  You have everything you need to do everything you desire.  Truth: There are people with LESS than you doing MORE than you right now.  Less money, less education, less skills, etc... But the one difference is they are willing to DO everything it takes.  Listen I get it. The doing is the hard part.  It's much easier to sit around and pontificate about all the things you're GOING to do.  But the act of actually doing, well that's no fun. Ok, I'm not here to bust your chops.  I’m here to help you.  So, let's do this, what if I gave you three simple actions you could start right now that would get you doing instead of thinking?  Would you be down for that?? AWESOME!  1. Believe that you have everything you need because it's true. And the TRUTH is if you