Thrive Forever Fit With Jay Nixon

Episode 03: Jay ranting and raving about disease prevention (I hope this makes you MAD).



Episode 03: Jay ranting and raving about disease prevention (I hope this makes you MAD). In this episode, I'm pissed, well not really pissed but I'm passionate about how we treat ourselves. We must be better I'm going to tell you why. Here a few of the things I'm talking about in this solo-cast episode. 1. 40% of adults in the USA are obese 2. 20% of adolescents are obese 3. 100 million Americans are pre-diabetic or have Type two Diabetes If you are inspired and motivated by my message and energy, I'd love it if you'd share the information about the show with your friends. Together I know we can build a culture of like-minded, purpose-driven humans that are focused on being our best selves.