Radhaa Nilia

Through the Prism of One: Recognizing false light and the manipulation of organic ascension timelines



Today's special guest is Avatāra. We dive deep and discuss how we have been experiencing numerous interferences and manipulation of organic ascension timelines. In this podcast we will be addressing the operating systems of the false light technologies and matrixes, multi dimensional implants and artificial intelligence machinery that is influencing collective consciousness.  We will also be addressing the Luciferian memory complex and how it affects collective consciousness. Many are awakening during this time and have stories to share. If you would like to be be part of Awakening Starseeds book, email: radhaapublishings@gmail.com  Avatāra Anand is a Hieros Gamos alchemist. Embodying an activated galactic consciousness in remembrance of divine balanced harmonics templates. She works in Multidimensional integration through illumination of distorted templating and embodiment of organic balanced harmonics, ONE code aka unity consciousness.  Avatar Christ embodiment . www.mechanicsofexistence