Passive Real Estate Investing

Ask Marco - What's the Best Exit Strategy for a Low Cash-Flow Property with No Mortgage? | PREI 223



So today's question comes from Jason and he sends this question in with some urgency. Jason writes in and he says, hey Marco, I closed on a property just as the coronavirus pandemic started. This property is in the Phoenix market and I think we both know this market is susceptible to a decline in values. I will be all in for $250,000 and I paid cash. This includes the rehab or renovation and all other costs including selling costs, as my intention was to flip it. If I don't sell all in, it will be around $235,000 it will rent for 1400 to $1,500 a month. Obviously doesn't come close to the 1% rule. I'm worried with what's going on with coronavirus. I will not be able to sell it at a profit. The estimated after repair value at the time of closing was $270,000 so only a $20,000 profit margin. I feel like my biggest loss will be the opportunity cost. My question is, what other strategies should I be considering such as a lease option providing owner financing, a home equity line of credit or a cash out refinance