Soul Sayers

I Didn't Quit...I Just Stopped



Episode Highlights: Quitting is often connected to weakness, being soft or lazy, throwing in the towel. If you’ve accepted any or all of those beliefs then quitting is the last thing you want to do. You will ride that thing until the wheels fall off! There is a difference between quitting and stopping! See it as giving up vs. taking a stand. Quotes: "When was the last time that you just allowed yourself to be who you are? Without apology, without explanation, but with power...right smack in the middle of your Divine purpose?" "Once I had this awakening and began challenging all old beliefs I had around quitting things; I discovered there were many other limiting beliefs I had as well." "Have you ever gotten clarity on something and then you try to explain it to other people and they just don't get it?" "The natural tendency is to go back to the way you were, so other folks can be comfortable again." "Once the mind is enlightened, it cannot go dark." "There are times in your life where it is essential that you