Concordia Ed Tech Podcast

Tech Talk Roundtable 07-10 | Robotics



Description (domo arigato Mr. Roboto) That’s right we’re talking about the rock band Styx … well, not really. But we are talking about … wait for it … robots! Not really the “Klaatu barada nikto” Gort-style robots of The Day The Earth Stood Still fame, but the less earth-threatening kind. You know, the kind that our kids build, program, and operate right here in school. Lessons Learned Dennis - A simple tool to help manage your classroom. Daniel -  Private Channels in Teams - You must create a new channel. Chris - Android phone-controlled robots! “Most robots are run by the Arduino board, and there are wireless Arduino shields which allow the robot to communicate wirelessly by using a Bluetooth or WiFi module.” 10-ideas-for-school-robot-projects Fun Fact Automatons Radiolab Episode: Want to see the mechanical monk?