Dr. Dan Hayden - A Word From The Word

The False King - John 19:1-7



John 19:1-7 - It is a punishable offense to impersonate a law enforcement officer. If you are not an officer of the law, it is wrong to wear the uniform, it is wrong to wear the badge. In the spiritual realm, this is the charge brought against us in the court of God. It is a capital offense in the laws of God to claim to be king of our own lives and god of our own destinies when we are not. Yet that is what all of us persist in doing. Jesus looked ridiculous wearing a crown of thorns and a faded military robe - but, the point is, He was our substitute, taking our place. How ridiculous we look pretending to be a king when we are not. And for this, Jesus was put to death - in our place. Jesus Christ, our Saviour, the true King, bore the mockery and death deserved by us, the false king. (33:52)