Open Session With Tim Durr

Aaron the Unfiltered Pittsburgher



Meet Aaron. He's one of the most open people that I've ever met. We've known each other for a few years now and it's always a good time when we get together. Find out how he gained his hot dog-related nickname, played Division III football, ended up as a benefits analyst for life insurance instead of a school bus driver or underwater basket weaver...and why the next time he's back, it'll be record breaking. Around the 38-minute mark, Aaron mentions how Wal-Mart was sued for taking out life insurance policies on their employees for large values and cashing them in. Here's a bit more context about that situation. Around the 1 hour, 9-minute mark, Aaron throws out a random figure for how many people live in New York City and Los Angeles, realizing it isn't correct. After looking up the numbers, 5 percent of Americans live in NYC or LA. The Census said in 2015, that 62 percent of Americans live in major cities. Around the 1 hour, 33-minute mark, Aaron references idolizing Nate Hartung growing up. Hartung was a hi