Liquid Church

Bittersweet Easter - God Is Present In Suffering



Easter is typically a time when we celebrate life and resurrection, but this Spring, we’re surrounded by so much death and disease. Here in the New York and New Jersey region, God chose us to live in the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic: A global disaster bigger than World War II. During this pandemic, I find a lot of people asking: Where is God in all this suffering? The answer is this: He’s right there with you, on the Cross. This Easter, I want to share with you a bittersweet story from the Gospel of John, chapter 11. In the story, we see Jesus’ close friends Mary & Martha call Jesus to come and help when their brother Lazarus fell sick. Lazarus was a friend of Jesus’ as well, and the Scripture shows us that Jesus loved him.  However, Jesus waited 2 days before traveling to the family, and when He finally got to Mary & Martha, Lazarus had already died. Martha was hurt and confused when Jesus arrived late, believing that, had Jesus come earlier, Lazarus would have lived. The thing is, he didn