Todays French French Etc

French School System – Mini Quiz at FRENCHHOUR



French school system. Le système scolaire en France. What's the French school system like? What's the structure of French education? Practice your knowledge of the French school system at the bottom of this lesson. School is mandatory from age 6 to age 16. At the end of 5ième, at about 13 years-old, students are assessed and directed to either mainstream education or to a vocational network. Students prepare for a vocational degree (CAP, BTM or BEP) or they take one of the biggest exams they’ll ever take in their lives– at least, that's the way it feels to them – the Baccalauréat (général, technologique or professionnel). Learn French culture with Anne at Continuez à lire. . . The post French School System – Mini Quiz at FRENCHHOUR appeared first on French Etc.