Ajc Radio Spotlight

AJC- From Archives -Voices of Women Behind the Wall- Horror Stories Continue Pt5



FROM THE ARCHIVES... NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE!!! Lamont Banks, Cliff Stewart, and Lisa Stewart of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans.   Our Special Guest for tonight's show Kathy Morse, who served time in Riker's Island and is now advocating for prisoner's rights! A Just Cause is currently campaigning for "FreeTheIRP6," who's been wrongly imprisoned in Florence, CO for a crime they didn't commit. Read the full story: www.freetheirp6.org.  For more information, about A Just Cause and to Donate to the IRP6 legal defense fund, visit www.a-justcause.com. Follow us on Twitter: @AJCRadio, @A_JustCause, @FreeTheeIRP6,  @FreeeTheIRP6 and Like our Facebook Pages: https://www.facebook.com/AJustCauseCoast2Coast, and https://www.facebook.com/AJustCauseCO, https://www.facebook.com/FreetheIRP6 Thank you for your support!