Bloomberg Surveillance

Surveillance: Monetary Policy With William White



Meredith Sumpter, Eurasia Group Head of Research Strategy, says China's global influence will increase during the coronavirus crisis. Gabriela Santos, JPM Asset Management Global Market Strategist, says that the U.S. may be one of the last countries to rid itself of the coronavirus crisis, from a health and economic perspective. William White, Former Chairman of the OECD Economic and Development Review Committee, is fearful that so much money-printing for so long won't re-stimulate the economy after the crisis is over. Ron Temple, Lazard Asset Management Co-Head Of Multi Asset Head of US Equity & Managing Director, says we need to see a continuation of Fed and fiscal stimulus. Alessandro Rebucci, Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School Associate Professor of Economics & Finance, says emerging markets will be put under extreme strain and are much less capable of absorbing the health dimensions of the coronavirus crisis.