Retirement And Money Matters

Taxes, Roth Conversions and Virtual Meetings with John!



On todays episode... Taxes will most likely go up, what can you do now to prepare?  How will stimulus plan impact future taxes? Can we really recover from this market crash? For those recently retired or about to retire, how has this market crash changed their plan? Annuities used to be a dirty word, well… if you didn’t have one and saw your accounts sink, what do ya think now? Plus... the “sequence-of-returns” risk can really do some damage if the market declines in the first few years of retirement.  Well, the market has certainly declined … so how does John advise someone who recently retired, or is on the verge of doing so?  An article in Forbes argues that right now is the “best time in history” to do a Roth conversion. But, is this the right advice?  Contact John today for your very own: Tax Analysis Qualified Account Analysis/Roth Conversion Analysis Alternate Approaches John is still conducting business as usual - set up a time to talk with John over the phone or setup a time for a virtual meeting