America Meditating Radio Show W/ Sister Jenna

Empowering Survivors of Trauma and Domestic Violence w/Rev. Elaine Whitefeather



Rev. Elaine M. Whitefeather is a visionary activist who is passionate and fiercely dedicated to the empowerment of every victim of trauma and abuse. She is a recognized authority in the field of domestic and family violence and has spent the last 38 years in human service work, 36 of those years in the field of domestic violence. Rev. Whitefeather has created and resurrected over 40 domestic violence programs both nationally and internationally. Persistent, bold and courageous, her vision of peace is made manifest by relentlessly teaching, sharing, educating and catalyzing others to live an inspired and sacred life and to work together for the best of our Human Tribe.  She is the CEO of the Foundation for Peaceful Communities, providing culturally responsive organization and program development for non-profits working with domestic violence and Intimate Partner Violence. How you can help. Visit Get the Off the Grid Into the Heart CD by Sister Jenna. Visit