Renegade Rules

RR_0155 Bias And Big Black Boys With Alissa Mwenelupembe



Alissa Mwenelupembe is back for more talk about the book Each and Every Child. This time we dig into bias and preschool expulsion. It seems  that if a child is Big, Black, and/or a Boy they are more likely to have trouble in preschool. Related Links: Advancing Equity in Early Childhood Education   Better Together Consulting - Alissa's website   Walter's Gilliam's Study on Implicit Bias     Thanks for listening! Like the show? Consider supporting our work by becoming a Patron, shopping our Amazon Link, or sharing it with someone who might enjoy it. You can leave a comment or ask a question here. Click the links for more Jeff or Heather and find Heather’s books here. For a small fee we can issue self-study certificates for listening to podcasts. Shop and save 15% with the code SAVE15.