Krbn - Internet News Talk Radio

Tiny Houses and is it time to re-open?



Live Wednesday at 4pm PT – recently the Lane County commissioners voted 4-1 to approve the first reading of a new ordinance to require motels and hotels to take vouchers to house people in need of isolation well as it turns out, Lane County Public Health no longer needs the hotels and motels thanks to Sponsors Inc. a nonprofit for people leaving prison is providing as many as ten tiny houses provided the county manages the people who need to be housed and the houses are cleaned up when the homes are no longer needed. Also on today's program… COVID-19 numbers as of April 26, 2020, 25 of 36 counties have had zero deaths. The 2 deaths and 48 of 50 cases in Lane County were in the Eugene-Springfield metro area. Just 2 cases were located outside in the rest of Lane County and therefore the chances are that zero cases were "Confirmed" in coastal Lane County but testing is so limited that there have probably unconfirmed cases all over. It does seem that the coast has been relatively unscathed and that reopening sho