Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

How To Know When Your Dream Is A Visit From Spirit



Melissa reads Tasha’s question about dream visitations, and I explain how you can know when your dream is really a visit from spirit (human or pet) or if it’s just a regular dream. Then, as a great example of this subject, Faith shares her true story about two dreams she had when a schoolmate visits her with the same message. This leads to Faith learning a secret she didn’t know. And I’m happy to say that Melissa joins me in commenting—and unraveling—this fascinating after-death communication. It also helps to illustrate why some people get visited by spirit in dreams and others do not. This episode is actually two shows pieced together, which is why this “bite-sized” episode is a rather large bite. So wait at least a half hour before going swimming. Enjoy! With a humongous loving hug, Bob Olson PS, As always, the peaceful photos of beauty in the video were submitted by my wife and life-long partner, Melissa. SHOW NOTES: Answers About The Afterlife: A Private Investigator's 15-Year Research Unlocks the M