Black Freethinkers

Slave Patrols, Lynchings, and Slavery in the Era of tRump



Please join us Sunday as we discuss the Coronavirus and it's impact on Black communities. Not only are we expected to maintain our daily lives (stress, illness, family life, finances, and much more), we are expected to continue to endure the dehumanizing manner in which we are treated. The white supremacist powers that be demand that we turn a blind eye to the atrocities that are visited upon us daily with glad tidings, a dance for the occasion and a song on our lips. How long do they expect us to endure the suffering? Why do our so called leaders continue to fail us? Why are we asking or begging to be recognized as human beings deserving of fair treatment, equal rights, economic justice, social justice, and so much more? When are we going to not only say enoough is enough, but demonstrate that we aren't going to take the abuse anymore?