We Are Libertarians

430: COVID-19 - Policing the Pandemic - Violations of Civil Liberties During Coronavirus



Chris Spangle and Melissa discuss civil liberty violations during the coronavirus epidemic. Show Notes: https://wearelibertarians.com/wp-content/uploads/Policing-the-Pandemic.pdf This episode is brought to you by Dashing Media Management. In this time of economic uncertainty, you need experts to help guide you through new ways of talking to customers. That's where my friend Lex Kremer and Dashing Media Management come in. They're able to help you with social media, blog management, content marketing, graphics, and all of your marketing needs. They feature flat rate pricing and transparent reporting. Reach out to Lex today at their website http://www.dashingmediamanagement.com/. Subscribe to the podcast: https://link.chtbl.com/we-are-libertarians See the new website - https://wearelibertarians.com/ Visit the store - http://wearelibertarians.store Support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/wearelibertarians Get The Libertarian Aurora email - http://eepurl.com/dDQSev Join the Facebook Group - https://www.f