Attention Talk Radio

ADHD and Autism Co-Diagnosis: Treatment



Until recently, autism and ADHD were not diagnosed together. Now, it is acknowledged as possible. Both diagnoses are complex individually, so you can imagine how complicated a co-diagnosis is. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr Sarah Cheyette ( around her experience helping those with both conditions. The interview promises to be fascinating. Jeff and Dr. Cheyette talk about various symptoms, how they manifest in autism and in ADHD. The question is which way to go about resolving the symptoms and working with the individual. Intervention for those with a dual diagnosis is a new territory. We are excited about getting a dialogue going and sharing insights. If you are curious, listen to the interview. Attention Talk Radio is the leading site for self-help Internet radio shows focusing on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD), including managing symptoms of attention defic