Leroy Community Chapel Podcast

Near To God



NOTE: Due to an audio issue, there is no recording available for the Feb 9th sermon. Passage: Hebrews 7:25; Exodus 2:23-25 The response of people being near to God are varied in scripture; fear, comfort, directed, saved, wounded, blinded, death. Yet it is a consistent human longing in the heart of men to be near to God. While there is a sense of drawing near to God for salvation, there is also a sense of walking consistently with God that has more to do with his proximity, his presence; God is near to his people. What would it feel like to be near God? * What is the image or metaphor that you think of when you think of God? Is it Biblical? Is it true of Him? Why or why not? * What emotion do you connect with being near to God? What emotion do you connect with being distant from God? Does your emotion have anything to do with the proximity of God? * How can the nearness of God be used in conversation with an unbelieving friend?