
Body-Mindfulness Coach | Johannah Conant



Former Alcohol and Drug Enthusiast, Johannah was in the midst of a heavy party lifestyle. During this period of her life, was ignoring a mole on her arm that was continuing to change shape. She chose to put a band-aid over that mole, ignoring her intuition of knowing this was serious.   In time, she was diagnosed with Stage 4 melanoma. During her recovery, she found that her friends and support circle fell away and found herself drinking alone and feeling alone. As a trained therapist, she lost her own lust for life.   It was in this dark space, she made a decision to abandon her old way of being and dig into herself to find her light - her spark.  This was the transition and the more she loved on herself, the brighter she felt. Leaning into body movement and her own awareness of what she was consuming in nutrition and being mindful of her conversation, her social circle and the messages around her, she discovered what she had already had inside and has taken this message and is now sharin