Dead Pundits Society

Ep. 32: Corbyn & the Pitfalls of Social Democracy w/ Leo Panitch



Joining me this week to talk about the pitfalls of social democracy and the Labour Party’s bid to transform the UK state is Leo Panitch. Leo has been the editor of the Socialist Register for over 35 years, and is the author of many books. We reflect on the role of socialist forces in the capitalist state, the failures of SYRIZA in Greece, and just what kind of force is necessary to usher in socialism for regular-ass people. Check out some of Leo’s books here: -Socialist Register, 2017: Rethinking Revolution (co-edited w/ Greg Albo): -The Making of Global Capitalism (co-authored w/ Sam Gindin):

 ***Members of the Dead Pundit Society will have access to. B-side with Leo where we discuss the meaning of being a socialist intellectual and his life on the left. To get access to this subscriber-only content and more, head over to and subscribe